Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Narrative Pitch

Tag Line - Just another day alone

Producer,Director,Editor - Me

An 'some-what' average Sunday morning in the lives very similar people. I play all the characters in short, fictional, no audience, sit-com style story in my house.

Location Pictures/Style Book-

Monday, April 3, 2017

Water Trucks Script

Water Trucks
Brenda Machado

REGINA sitting upright on the couch in her pajamas. STACY laying beside her in her pajamas, legs crossing over REGINA’S knees. JADE laying on the carpet in front of the TV in her pajamas.

Sooooo, we don’t have class tomorrow.

JADE picks up the remote laying by her side and starts flipping through channels.

Should we do anything tomorrow? I mean there’s no school and none of us have to go to work until Saturday afternoon.

JADE keeps flipping through channels until she stops on a late News Report on a Fire downtown.

Maybe but what?

STACY looks over at JADE, who’s watching the news report intently.

Hey, Jade, do you want to go anywhere tomorrow?

JADE looks over her shoulder at the two girls on the couch. She stays silent for second then speaks.

Shouldn’t fire trucks technically be called “Water Trucks”?

The girls stay quiet for a beat, then they all burst out in roaring laughter


5 Phrases

"I'm gonna go get a 10 McNugget dinner and when I get back, I wanna see a new attitude mister!" - A random father at McDonald's to his son "Tell her I'll be thinking about her" - a guy at a diner after hearing the waitress' mom is recovering from an operation "That's real rough, buddy" - my brother's friend to another friend after telling him that his girlfriend moved "Shouldn't fire trucks technically be called water trucks?" - one of friends in a video he sent me "Don't tell me what to do" - my boyfriend at our friend who told him to get him a soda

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Documentary Pitch

Tagline - Keeping stock

Producer/Director/Editor - Me

A Verité Documentary on a day working with my father on his deliver route to stores in Elkhart and Goshen.

Location Pictures/Style Book-